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A 12-year-old Halasius reads his speech

Halasius defines himself as a poet and philosopher. He commenced writing poetry in elementary school. He first realized that he was an actual writer when he was commissioned to write a speech on behalf of his middle school at his graduation ceremony; he was 12 years old.

In Argentina he obtained  a Bachelor in Spanish Literature and later a Bachelor in Screenwriting in Los Angeles.
Today, Halasius is an award-winning screenwriter and has published books on poetry and philosophy.

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Music Has Died  is a philosophical essay (in Spanish) about the evolution of humankind and music.
This book is the companion of the very first empty album, "Music has Died" by Halasius. 

  • Audiobook (Spanish)
  • Music Has Died on Amazon

Principles contains some of Halas' poetry. Text in Spanish.

  • Principles on Amazon
  • Letras de Musica - Amazon

Words of Music contains 82 original
song lyrics by Halasius.


Some of Halas' Axioms

  • Shyness is an act of arrogance.

  • Culture is the result of the human survival instinct.

  • The constant feeling of living inside a conspiracy is just an individual's justification for loneliness.

  • The past is the search for coherence in the present, and future is the timeline of that searching.

  • Spiritual evolution is to an individual what technology is to humankind.

  • Intuition is the analogous side of intelligence.

  • Falling in love is a function of melancholy.

  • Everything we do, we do it to die.

  • Regret is a form of drought.

  • Superstitious rituals are nothing more than an ignorant gesture of an ancient cause that once was wise.

  • Metaphor is the daughter of the lie.

  • Cowardice is the mother of betrayal.

  • Tenderness is the spiritual embodiment of the embarrassment of others.

  • Elegance is based on the articulation of ethics and courage.

  • An eccentric reality is often driven by authentic loneliness.

The Last Nap

(Translation from Spanish)

​Will I have a statue or a tombstone?
What will await me at the end of the day?
When everything makes its recount, what will I deserve?
What will be my last consolation? What will be my last inaccuracy?

Will I be in my final nimbus conjecturing almost nothing?
Will I be transforming into everything and with my hands full of emptiness?
What will be the last thing my eyes abandon before disappearing into my limbo?
What will I receive? Will I get what I deserve, or more, or less?

Will someone unknown make a tombstone for me?
Will there be a statue with my features that will be broken by time?
Will that day, the most eternal in life, be dull white?
Will it be made of luminous steppe or black swamp?

What will be my last meal, the last kiss, the last music?
Will there be any last figure to see?
Who will release my hand towards the nothingness?
Will a sad piano melody lead me to the spell of the bacterial world?

Will I have retraced what was necessary?
Or will I disappear, active and silent, in the day's nap?
Will I have exhausted all my ideas by then?
Will I have already used up all my lines of expression?

I know the same doubts will continue to assail me,

and I will continue my contend of inaccuracies.
But, there is something I will know at all costs by then.
I will comprehend that making myself earth will be
the more flawless way to return to my Ancestors.

Instructions for Looking at a Mirror
(Published in the award-winning Northridge Review Magazine)



        It must be known that when we look at what we call a "mirror," we look at something that we are never going to understand, something that exceeds any possible conclusion. Although, as an object, it is just a piece of glass with crystalline silver paint resting on its back, it is also a magical and sinister instrument that turns us into objects as well. Everything this silver foil faces will be enclosed in it, immediately transforming it into a part of the mirror.


        Mirrors are the obverse of fire. Everything that reaches the fire turns into fire, while a mirror becomes everything he observes. Therefore, I wonder which one would burn which one if we placed a mirror in front of the fire. I declare myself incompetent to determine the outcome, but what I do know is the four proper instructions for looking at, and looking into, a mirror.

1st Lower-Level Safe Instructions (transforming “look at” into “look into”):


  • You should load yourself with enough patience to endure the infinite amazement of beholding the object we call a "mirror."

  • Since you are going to see yourself reflected in it (or an image very similar to you), you must face it with extreme caution. Statistics have proven that that image is never going to match what you know/assume about yourself.

  • When you look into that space, you will realize that your environment is reflected in the mirror, reappearing on the other side with less depth and more mystery. That is because the mirror is watching.

  • Notice that there are two of you in the same room where the mirror is. That is the consequence of this object being a door to unexpected places.

2nd Medium-Level Instructions (getting seen by the mirror):

  • If you get within two inches of him and lock eyes with your image, you will suddenly become eerily less familiar with yourself. You will even scare yourself. At that point, a sense of being watched by a stranger will overwhelm you. Since you will be glimpsing the perishable quality of life, you will feel the presence of your death. Yes, the ancestors of human beings did not know that they would die until they found their images reflected in a natural mirror. Probably a lake.

  • In this step, it is advisable to do all kinds of silly grimaces to de-dramatize that mortal feeling. Thus, laugh at that imperfect image—the same one that others inaccurately may perceive of you.

  • But, if instead of de-dramatizing, you prefer edging on the madness of trying to understand several planes simultaneously, you must proceed to the next level of instructions.

3rd Dangerous High-Level Instructions:

  • Place two mirrors of similar dimensions to face each other. Then, stand between them. You will have reliable proof of what it is like to look at the face of infinity, being yourself the only obstacle to it. In that instant, you will be getting a glimpse of the Infinity-Non-Eternal. Why not eternal? Because there will always be something between you and that chain of countless successions. What always stands between you and infinity is nothing but your own sight. Just to be clear, the more you pretend to observe infinity, the more you will be a hindrance to that. Now, if you are determined to get into that rift at all costs, follow the instructions from the upper level.


4th Upper-Level High-Risk! Instructions:

At this advanced level, it is highly recommended to rip out your eyes one by one before entering the intersection of the two mirrors watching each other.



Halasius Bradford

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